AE - Docs

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AE- Docs

Ae-Docs is powerful electronic document and Workflow management System. Using Ae_Docs System Organizations can manage all of its digital documents by creating a central and secure document database. It enables you to capture,process,publish,store,share and archive your huge volume of office documents easily. It help Organizations to automate document handling process. It’s a easy Maintenance Solution

Ae-Docsprovide a solution that can save your time and improved document accessibility.

  • Simultaneous Access

    Multiple people can access and view the same document at the same time no matter where they may be located.

  • Instant Access

    Ae-Docs solution can locate and retrieve any document within seconds even when there are millions of documents in the EDMS and Responding quickly to ‘Auditors’ requests for information.

  • Cut Time

    Cutting time spent copying and distributing documents to staff, branch offices and outside contractors.

  • Lost Documents

    Eliminating lost documents that must be recreated and refilled.

  • Speed

    Speeding document-handling workflowby enabling automation

  • Are you searching for a solution?

    Cut Costs and Increase Revenue By:

    1. Lowering paper-handling costs.
    2. Cutting the filing, duplication and retrieval costs of off-site storage.
    3. Reducing organizational downtime. In case of natural disaster.
    4. Simplifying business continuity planning.

  • Increases the Productivity and efficiency

    Increases the Productivity and efficiency by keeping the right tools and right information in the hands of right people. Intelligent search methods Document handling automation. Intelligent search methods that support Reduced labor and clerical mistakes searching with whatever criteria you have with automation available.

  • Enable Automation

    Design rule based routing systems to streamline document-handling procedures.
    Move documents using routing services and your computer network.
    Automatically notify staff and supervisors when certain Action take place.

  • Increase Communication and Collaboration

    Increasing Inter-Departmental Communication and Collaboration by Share documents electronically with colleagues over the Network/Internet